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Westcliffe Primary School

'Our school is committed to inspirational teaching that develops aspirational young people.'

Call Recording

Phone Call Recording


The school has an automatic telephone recording system which records all phone calls made to, or from, the school using external lines. External callers will receive an automated message informing them of this fact. Parents/carers have been informed of this recording system through ParentMail; there is also notification on the school website via this announcement. The school is able to access such calls using the telephone management system. The system does not record internal phone calls.


Access to recorded calls:


Access to calls will only be made under exceptional circumstances. Only a restricted number of staff will have access to the recording system and thus calls made. Details of access to calls will be kept along with the reason for access, which will principally be for staff training or security/safety purposes. Monitoring systems will be put in place in order to ensure the system is used securely and that confidentiality is maintained. Copies of calls will not be made without the permission of the Headteacher.
