Westcliffe Primary School
'Our school is committed to inspirational teaching that develops aspirational young people.'
In our Nursery we offer the following sessions:
Five mornings a week (8.50am-11.50am)
Five afternoons a week (12.10pm-3.20pm)
Two and a half days (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning or Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday)
Full Time (If eligible for the 30 free hours)
If you would like extra sessions it is £12 per half day. If you would like your child to stay for dinner there is a small charge of £2.60
Children will be eligible to start Nursery in the September Term after their 3rd birthday (cut off date being 31st August).
To apply for a place at our nursery you may contact the school directly and fill out an application form. At this point you are most welcome to look round school and ask any questions you may have.
Alternatively, you can contact the office on 01724 861602 or email your child’s details to us at businessmanager.westcliffeprimary@northlincs.gov.uk
Allocations for nursery places are usually distributed by the end of May ready for the new term to begin the following September, adhering to our school admissions policy. (click on the link below to our see our policy)
It is important to note that the allocation of a nursery place does not automatically guarantee a place in Reception. (See Section 2, Applying for a Reception Place.)
A printable version of our Nursery Admissions Policy can be found at the top of this page.
Application forms will be sent to all nursery settings in the October before your child is due to start in Reception the following September.
North Lincolnshire Council has made arrangements for parents to apply for a school place online, by telephone (01724) 297000 or by email
Click the link here to see the Department for Education's School Admission Code for September 2021.
You may apply to move your child to our school (for example if you have moved house) this is known as a mid-year transfer. Your application must be made directly to North Lincolnshire Council admissions online or via telephone (01724) 297000.
Westcliffe Primary School has a published admission number (PAN) of 45 children per year group. Once our PAN is reached, a mid-year transfer will only be approved in exceptional circumstances.
School Admissions Appeals
If your child did not get into the school you wanted, you can appeal to an independent panel.
If you have not been offered a place at the school you have requested, you can make a school admission appeal against the decision. Parents wishing to appeal will be sent information on how to appeal. This includes a form on which to give ‘notice of appeal’. You should set out the reasons for your appeal on this form and return it to the council by the date requested.
Appeals are heard by panels which are independent of the council, schools and governing bodies. The panel follows the School Admission Appeals Code which is drawn up by the Department for Education, with advice from the Local Government Ombudsman.
The procedure is a ‘two stage’ process:
The panel can then exercise its discretion in balancing the circumstances presented by the parent against the prejudice that would be caused by the admission of further pupils. The decision of the appeal panel is binding on the school and on the parent.
You can read more on our frequently asked questions page.
The clerk of the appeal panel will write to you and inform you of the decision. The appeal panel will not consider second appeals for the same school in the same year unless there has been a significant change in circumstances since the original application was submitted.
Appeals against refusal of admission to any school that falls outside North Lincolnshire are the responsibility of that council, or the governors of the school if they are the admission authority. Further information can be obtained by contacting the relevant council.
The appeals process for children with an EHCP is different from that outlined above. If we have not named your first choice of school in the EHCP, you should initially discuss your concerns with the Special Educational Needs (SEN) team at the council, or you can contact the Special Educational Needs and Disability, Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS).
If you are still not happy, you can appeal to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal. Information on how to appeal is available from the SEN team.
Further information on school admission appeals is available in the Advice for parents and guardians on school admission appeals