Westcliffe Primary School
'Our school is committed to inspirational teaching that develops aspirational young people.'
At Westcliffe Primary School we believe that learning a foreign language provides the children with a gateway to exploring other cultures, fostering curiosity and tolerance whilst deepening their understanding of the world. We want our pupils to enjoy learning a new language through engaging, practical and written activities that allow them to really embrace learning a modern foreign language and prepare them for their future – all be it at Secondary school or as they go out into the world of work. We wish “to instil a love of learning and equip all our children with the skills they need later in life.” (Our school ethos)
All pupils in Key Stage 2 are given the opportunity to learn Spanish. At Westcliffe Primary School, we use Language Angels teaching scheme alongside additional games and songs, a real life book/story and once a year, we immerse the children in a Spanish celebration afternoon. Language Angels engages the children though clear, modelled vocabulary, lively songs, interactive games and short focused written tasks. It has been adjusted to take into account the Y3/4 and Y5/6 cohorts.
How the subject is taught:
Across KS2, Spanish is taught once a week during PPA sessions.
The subject is taught through:
If you walk into a Spanish lesson, you will expect to see:
If you have any questions about MFL (Spanish), please contact our subject leader – Miss Sarah Gilchrist.