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Westcliffe Primary School

'Our school is committed to inspirational teaching that develops aspirational young people.'

Mental Health and Well Being - Whole School Approach

The government is increasingly recognising that positive mental well being is an important factor in enabling children to succeed.


To help support the positive development of this, every school has been asked to identify a Senior Mental Health Lead, this person is Miss Troop.



Miss Troop is also the PSHE lead (Physical, Social, Health and Economic Education). Our PSHE curriculum incorporates lessons on Mental Health, Whole Self Health, Resilience, Well-being, Feelings and Coping Strategies as well as Healthy Body and Mind. Please see the PSHE page for more information.


We also work closely with the Local Authority - 'With Me In Mind'. Lisa McIntyre is from the Mental Health Support Team and is the Local Authority representative -  'Whole School Approach Lead' for our school.


If you have any concerns about the mental well-being of your child, please contact our Senior Mental Health Lead or our Inclusion Team (Inclusion Assistant - Mrs Halkyard). 


Alternatively, the following agencies are available:


Young Minds 0808 802 5544

Child Line 0800 1111

Anxiety UK 08444 775774

Beat (Beating Eating Disorders) 0845 6341414

Sane 0845 7678000


Coping with stress 

Advice vault

BBC mental health films

Parents/Carers -

We believe building links between school and home is vitally important. Working together has a promising impact on the well being, attendance, behaviour, sense of school belonging, intellectual development and attainment of children. 'With Me in Mind' run free workshops covering a range of areas to support parents/carers. These are shared via our Parent Mail App. Other information - as well as links to the eClinic App - is available at


Staff -

Our team of staff are very much a 'family' here at Westcliffe Primary School. Each and every member of staff is invaluable to the running of the school. We recognise good staff well being is essential for cultivating a mentally healthy school, for retaining and motivating staff and for promoting pupil wellbeing and attainment. Staff know they can seek support for their health and well being by speaking to SLT/Inclusion. They can also access the Welfare and Counselling Service, free of charge. Leaflet attached below. 

