Westcliffe Primary School
'Our school is committed to inspirational teaching that develops aspirational young people.'
Welcome back to a new school year!
This term, in Key Stage 1, our topic is ‘Trains’. We will be learning about the history of trains, when they were first built to how they have changed and developed over the years as well as how this has influenced people’s lives and choices.
Our literacy work will be focused around two books, ‘Look Up!’ about a young girl who dreams of being an astronaut and ‘The Owl Who was Afraid of The Dark’ about a nervous little owl called Plop. We will be focusing our writing around these texts which will help us to develop our writing.
In maths we will be covering the four operations continuing to use the Cuisenaire rods to help us. Each week we will be completing Westcliffe Rockstars to help us count in 2s. In our class we will complete our Westcliffe Rockstars on a Wednesday, so all practise needs to be in on Wednesday morning or before.
In Science we will be learning about the seasons and noticing the changes happening in the natural world. Have a chat with your child, what have they noticed? Do they know that we are in autumn? How do they know?
Our PE day is on a Wednesday so please can you ensure your child brings their PE kit on this day. The kit is more than welcome to stay at school for the week/half term in the cloakroom so your child has it each week.
There are many other things that we will be learning, but I’m sure your child will tell you all about it!
Thank you, Mrs Thomson and Mrs Murray