Westcliffe Primary School
'Our school is committed to inspirational teaching that develops aspirational young people.'
At Westcliffe we understand that the Early Years Foundation Stage is the most important and influential period of a child’s life. We aim to work closely with our families to ensure that all children have the best start to their education.
This half term our topic will be ‘My Community and Me!’ We will be talking about the differences and similarities between people, our families and different occupations and how they contribute to our local community. We will be developing our understanding of why people and places are special to us.
We are going to be enjoying listening to and joining in with simple song, rhymes and stories.
Our Nursery learning environment is welcoming, fun and support place where all children can learn and thrive. We ensure children can learn and explore safely, whilst promoting children to develop their self-regulation and independence skills. The children learn through a balance of adult directed activities and child initiated play. All activities are designed to support children to flourish by promoting good learning outcomes as well as ensuring children are having fun.
The Nursery teacher is Mrs Murray and the Early Years Practitioner is Miss Hilton.