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Westcliffe Primary School

'Our school is committed to inspirational teaching that develops aspirational young people.'


Summer Term in 1/2C – What a Wonderful World


This term we are going to be learning about the world around us. 

In Science, we are going to be learning about living things and how to classify them.  We have already been on a nature walk around school and looked at things that are living, dead and have never lived.  Later on this term we will also be going on a trip to a local zoo (Messingham Zoo) to support our learning in science.


In literacy we started the term off by looking at a fantastic picture book called ‘Tuesday’.  We had brilliant discussions about what we thought the story was about when we looked at a picture from the end of the book – this is called making predictions.  We wrote some descriptive sentences about the frogs in the story and used some amazing words in our writing like ‘levitating’ and ‘swampy’.  We are looking at another amazing picture book this term called The Tin Forest and hope to get some lovely descriptive writing from it.


In RE we are learning about places of worship in different religions, including Christianity and we are going to visit a local church so that we can see some of the features we have been talking about in class such as a the font, the altar and the cross in real life!

We are continuing to use the programme PurpleMash in our computing sessions and our computing skills are improving every week! 


This term our indoor PE lesson is every Tuesday afternoon and every Friday afternoon outside.


This term the year 2 children will also be sitting their Key Stage 1 SAT tests in May, in Reading and Maths.  The children have been prepared for these tests and the results will be published with their end of year reports.




