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Westcliffe Primary School

'Our school is committed to inspirational teaching that develops aspirational young people.'


Summer Term 2022

The final term is here, and how quickly it seems to have arrived. Even though the first two thirds of the year have flown by, we have one more term full of exciting and interesting things to learn.


Our topic this term is ‘Living Life’. We will be taking a detailed look at the insides of our bodies, from our teeth and bones to our muscles and the way we digest food. Once we know how we digest, we will be investigating what we should digest by looking at how to keep ourselves healthy through food.  This will lead us to designing and cooking our own healthy meal.


Later on in the term will also be learning about our town, Scunthorpe. We will use maps and questionnaires to research our town and local area.


The children have asked every week when we are swimming since they found out they would be going. Finally, the time has arrived! 3/4B swimming lessons will begin on the 13th May. We will be leaving school at 9am so please ensure that your child is at school by the 8:55 whistle so we can get registered before we leave. The children need to bring a one piece swimming costume/shorts and towel each week in a bag. Children can bring goggles if they wish to. Long hair is best tied up, ideally in a plait or bun please. This exciting experience will provide children with an enjoyable end to their school year whilst teaching them important skills.


During the second half of this term, the Year 4s will participate in the Year 4 Multiplication Times Table Check. We will be helping the children with a lot of practicing in school. You can also help, by supporting your child with their table facts, especially when they practise their club sheets at home. This would be greatly appreciated.


Hopefully, we will have a fantastic final term to a great first full year back at school.


Miss Blades and Ms McCartney
